Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dome & Wall Ring Sub-assembly

Having cut out all 32 x 45degree sectors for the dome ring and wall ring out of 8 x 3/4" sheets of hardwood marine ply, the sectors were glued and screwed together in groups of three, offset to lend maximum strength and support to each other, with each sub-assembly representing 90degrees of the full ring.

After gluing and screwing the three sectors together into a double thickness of 3/4" ply, a small forest of G-clamps was used to squeeze out the excess glue and assist in a uniform laminate.

Laying this lot out on the ground, in a full circle, gave me a real sense of just how large a 16' dome was going to be! Man, this thing is big!! It was gratifying to see that my trigonometry skills haven't completely deserted me - all the sectors were exactly the same size - to the millimetre!

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